Manchester Met are delighted to confirm that this year they have given £2274 to the Real Change MCR fund.
The donation comes from delegate fees, £1 of which is donated to Real Change MCR every time our day delegate rate is purchased for an event at Manchester Met.
Real Change MCR is Manchester’s alternative giving campaign, raising funds to help people experiencing homelessness build a life away from the streets.
The Conference Team are passionate about being part of the fight to end homelessness in Manchester. As well as contributing financially, the team are also actively involved, as Sales and Marketing Manager James Charnock is part of the Real Change MCR panel that approves applications to the fund:
“We strongly believe that it’s our role as ambassadors for the University and for Manchester that we help impact the lives of those within our community. Helping Real Change MCR directly links our delegates with the people in Manchester who need help most.
I love the idea that someone can come to a conference in Manchester from anywhere in the world, and leave knowing that they’ve helped someone experiencing homelessness find a place of their own – what a great thing to go home knowing.”
Logo for RealChangeMCR, the City’s alternative giving campaign.
The Conference Office are hoping they can continue to build on the donation and awareness raising to make sure we continue to work as a community to tackle issues that affect us all.
For more information about how you can get involved in Real Change MCR, click the link above.
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